Compounded Tirzepatide for Weight Loss In Milwaukee

Medical weight loss programs consist of a customized nutrition plan complete with prescription weight loss medication based on the individual client’s history and wellness goals. If you would like VIVA Wellness to help you lose weight and you live near the Milwaukee area, our nurse practitioner will personally meet with you on a regular basis to keep you on track throughout your wellness journey.

Tirzepatide for Weight Loss Success

Compounded Tirzepatide, a New Option in Weight Loss


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Compounded tirzepatide and Mounjaro are two of the options in our variety of weight loss services. You’ve likely heard of compounded semaglutide or Wegovy or Ozempic as powerful glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) drugs that unlock profound weight loss results. We’ve had great success sharing it with our clients at VIVA Wellness. (Read about Jessica’s “Miracle” Experience with Mounjaro.) Compounded tirzepatide offers similar results to those using compounded semaglutide—reducing appetite, sustaining satiety, and balancing blood sugar. The combination of these benefits over time means sustained weight loss for many.

Compounded Tirzepatide Helps You Feel Full and More

Originally used to improve sugars in those with Type 2 diabetes, compounded tirzepatide (if deemed appropriate per your unique medical history) may work from another angle by stimulating two hormone receptors that control the hormones that regulate satiety, instead of just one with compounded semaglutide.

Compounded tirzepatide facilitates significant weight loss results through reducing cravings, improved blood sugar stability, feeling fuller longer by slowing the emptying of food through the stomach, and not requiring drastic lifestyle change or restrictive dieting that makes it so easy to “fall off the bandwagon”. While drastic lifestyle changes aren’t necessary, the drug has an inherent ability, in many, to shift their habits to arrive at a changed set of healthy habits simply because their body guides them to make those decisions. That said, clean eating and movement will increase effectiveness AND ensure the body feels better along the way as it processes the release of weight. Most patients don’t need to make radical changes to their eating.

Compounded Tirzepatide May Be Better Than Traditional Dieting

If traditional dieting has not worked for you, tirzepatide or semaglutide certainly may (if our NPs determine you are a good fit). Despite the ways it works mentioned above, one of the more inspiring notes is that for folks who have struggled to see their weight change despite trying everything (you are certainly not alone), they get to see their bodywork, rebuilding trust, and become freed up from incessant food and weight loss thoughts.

Some consider this to be one of the most statistically significant weight loss drugs available. Initial testing on those taking for diabetes and blood sugar management were astonished with the weight loss results, enough so to focus studies on that effect alone. So far, the results speak for themselves.

The way that VIVA Wellness offers either compounded tirzepatide or compounded semaglutide involves a method of protecting your quality of life—meaning, you feel good and are not required to drastically alter your lifestyle unless you wish to. This protocol also ensures that your body is able to handle the often significant strain on the system as the contents of fat cells are released to be flushed out.

Our Weight & Detox Protocol

The VIVA Weight & Detox Protocol, our signature blend of services and products may use compounded tirzepatide or compounded semaglutide as a component of the weight change aspect.

  • You will receive the protocol through weekly injections. These include both the drug and our unique blend of other supportive items (two other IM injections and other oral supplements)
  • Expect consistent, sustained results over time. The weight does release with time, though your NP may start with a quite small dose while your body adjusts so expect a bit of uptick time.
  • Anti-nausea support is automatic. VIVA Wellness and your dedicated NP make the experience easier by automatically prescribing anti-nausea relief medications and supplements that support metabolic health and detoxification pathways.
  • You'll have a dedicated Nurse Practitioner. Our staff of NPs guide you with customized dosing changes, no complicated pricing structure, and years of experience. Through our weekly support, we will make adjustments based on real-time feedback from your body and from your mental, emotional, and lifestyle experience. Your plan is tailored to YOU and your individual body.

May Be Prescribed for Those With Type 2 Diabetes

Mounjaro is FDA-approved for the treatment of type 2 diabetes, but it is being fast-tracked by the FDA for weight loss and obesity because of its safety and efficacy. This means insurance will only cover Mounjaro for those with documented type 2 diabetes at this time, but thankfully, our office works with compounding pharmacies to bring our clients access to compounded tirzepatide. 

If you aren't diabetic but would benefit from compounded tirzepatide for weight management, which would be determined through consultation with our Nurse Practitioners, we can still explore this option with you. If you are a type 2 diabetic (A1c 6.5 or higher and you have insurance), we can prescribe Mounjaro to you.

Ask us about our VIVA Weight & Detox Protocol, which may catalyze a profound jump start through our other services: colonics, sauna, lymphatic drainage, and cavitation. Supporting the whole system means the drug is tolerated even more easily and the results are amplified. **This is of course not always the case and there is no “typical” results guarantee.** Be in touch with our Nurse Practitioners to get your name on the list for compounded tirzepatide or to start now with compounded semaglutide assuming we confirm you are a suitable candidate! Book your consultation, and let’s get going creating the protocol that’s right for your current level of health, the unique factors that make you you—past, present and future you!

We are proud to support Tirzepatide weight loss clients through Wisconsin, including the following areas:

  • Brookfield
  • Sussex
  • Elm Grove
  • Pewaukee
  • Oconomowoc
  • Hartland
  • Waukesha
  • Glendale
  • Muskego
  • Delafield

Have more questions about tirzepatide and weight loss and live in the Milwaukee area? See our Compounded Tirzepatide FAQs, or schedule a consultation with one of our nurse practitioners.

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