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I Tried Body Sculpting and Got Amazing Results

I scheduled three Body Contouring sessions at VIVA Wellness and I’m so glad I did!

I’ll be 52 years old next month. I’m generally healthy, I eat a mostly good diet with lots of vegetables and lean meats or fish. (That’s not to say I don’t indulge in the occasional treat: a piece of dark chocolate, a glass of wine, or a handful of potato chips.) I try to get some exercise a few times a week too. I’ll walk a couple of miles or do what I call “stealth exercising” (doing leg lifts and squats while I’m drying my hair, or squeezing in some crunches or planks while waiting for my dinner to cook). But at almost 52 I am, well…a little flabby. And I’d rather not be.

For me, liposuction would be a drastic (and invasive) step. I had seen ads on television for cool sculpting, but I hate being cold. Then I met the wonderful people at VIVA Wellness and learned about Body Contouring. It’s also called Body Cavitation or Body Sculpting, some people refer to it as “getting a snatched waist”. Whatever you call it, for me it worked great!

Who Shouldn’t Get Body Sculpting, And Who Can

I called VIVA Wellness to schedule my Body Contouring sessions. I had a quick consultation with one of the body contouring specialists, where she explained the procedure and any conditions that might make me ineligible. People who can’t get Body Contouring are those that have any of the following conditions:

  • Pregnancy
  • Tinnitus
  • Implanted electrical device
  • Nickel allergy
  • Zinc allergy
  • Pacemaker
  • Implanted insulin device
  • Kidney failure, or other kidney issues
  • Lupus
  • Extreme auto-immune condition
  • Current cancer, currently undergoing chemo/radiation
  • Organ failure
  • Uncontrolled chronic diseases
  • Recent surgery

The ideal candidate for Body Sculpting is an adult who, like me, wants to lose excess body fat. You can have a Body Cavitation procedure on your abdomen, thighs, hips, glutes, arms, and bra line. I opted for a 3-session package targeting my unwanted, stubborn belly fat. I was ready to get started.

My Body Sculpting Experience

When I arrived at my first session I was pleasantly surprised by how warm and inviting the clinic was. For a medical weight loss and wellness clinic, it felt more like a spa. The body sculpting specialist took me to the treatment room, asked if I had any more questions, and talked briefly about the results I was hoping to achieve. She then gave me a robe to put on and left the room while I changed. When she returned it was time to get started, first taking measurements of my hips and waist, then front and side photos. A side note: the client photos are taken for reference only, I’ve given permission to use my photos for this article.

For the Body Sculpting procedure, I would lie down on a massage table while she used a type of ultrasound machine specifically calibrated to collapse the fat cells that make up fat tissue. A small amount of gel is applied to the skin and the ultrasonic wand gently glides over the surface. She warned me the gel would be a little cold initially (it was, but only for a few seconds), and there would be a high-pitched buzz (there was) while the device was on my skin. More about that last part: it happens because it is literally the soundwaves doing their magic on the fat tissue under your skin. You can “hear” the soundwaves inside your body. It was a little weird at first, but after a short time it became kind of like white noise and I got used to it—it wasn’t uncomfortable for me at all. The whole procedure took about an hour and was really relaxing.

Here’s the almost unbelievable part: the results are virtually instantaneous! You read that right, you can actually SEE the difference right away. These before and after photos are taken before the first session and after the third.

When the Body Contouring was finished she gave me my take-home goodies and instructions. Yep, I had a little “work” to do myself to ensure I get the best results. My cute little VIVA Wellness canvas bag included a jar of skin firming lotion, two kinds of detox tea, and instructions. The simple instructions were to drink lots of water, limit caffeine, alcohol and sugar, eat a healthy diet, and low-impact exercise. For me, easy peasy. The lotion was to firm up my skin and she even suggested wearing control-top undergarments for a few hours afterward.

Infrared Sauna, An Unexpected Treat

I was invited to spend some time in the Infrared Sauna immediately following my Body Contouring. Yay! You don’t have to add this to your session if you don’t have the time, but I highly recommend it. One of the key things I learned from Jennifer Hruz, nurse practitioner and owner of VIVA Wellness, is that to get the best results you need to help your body expel the contents of the fat cells. After Body Contouring, your body needs to flush out what was contained by the fat cells (toxins, fluids, waste, etc.) through its lymphatic system and the normal body excretion processes. That means staying extra hydrated and getting a little sweat going. What better way to improve that “snatched waist” than taking a turn in a lovely warm Infrared Sauna?

The Infrared Sauna was all it was supposed to be and more. The sauna has built-in speakers so I could listen to my favorite music. It also has built-in light therapy and a nifty little card telling you the health benefits of each color on your health and wellbeing. You can select which color you prefer with the remote control. They even had fruit-infused water to drink and refrigerated cooling towels in my own private little room. Check out this article to learn more about the benefits of Infrared Saunas.

I’m pretty sure I floated out of the VIVA Wellness clinic that day. I was super-relaxed and very motivated to get the most of my results by following all the instructions at home.

Homework and Subsequent Body Sculpting Sessions

When I got home I showered and applied the lotion. It smelled nice, minty…and it was cooling, literally! I mean I was actually cold for a few minutes, but it was nice after being in the warm sauna. I put on my Spanx for a few hours and made myself some baked haddock and roasted vegetables for dinner. I also drank lots of water and then the detox, diuretic tea before going to bed feeling awesome. In the morning, let’s just say the tea did what it was supposed to do.

My schedule is pretty flexible, so I was able to book my sessions fairly close together. Body Cavitation sessions can only be scheduled a minimum of 72 hours apart. So my first session was on a Friday, followed by Tuesday, and then finally Friday again. I made a deal with myself: I was all-in! I drank 2-3 liters of water each day, ate really healthy meals, limited my carbs, and didn’t cheat once with chocolate, coffee, alcohol, or any other treats for an entire 10-day span (slightly before and after my sessions). The next two sessions went just as the first. I actually looked and felt thinner each time.

My Body Contouring Results

Left is at the beginning of session 2 and right is immediately after session 3.

In short: It Worked! I love my results. Based on the measurements from before the first session to after the third session I lost just under 2″ on my waist and 1 ½” on my hips. My clothes fit better and I feel great. (The photo here is before the second session and after the third session. The slight redness goes away after a few minutes.) I knew ahead of time that Body Sculpting isn’t necessarily a weight-loss tool, but I actually lost 4 pounds in the process. Now, five weeks later I’ve kept those few extra pounds off. I’m so happy with the results on my belly fat that I’ve scheduled three more sessions to address my bra line and love handles.

Body Contouring might not be the solution for everyone. But if you are like me, wanting to lose that stubborn middle-aged middle, I would recommend giving it a try. I am so happy I did.

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