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Jennifer’s Weight Change Story & Words of Encouragement for Wisconsin

If you’re one of my patients, or you know me from that time, you know my story, but I realize there are many that don’t. I’d love to share, as so many of you have told me that you see parts of your story in mine.

This was me at 19 years old. Approximately 250 pounds.

The physical change, the 100 pounds of weight shed was hard, but it was the emotional and belief system change, which I still work on today, that was the hardest. It was the hardest, but it is the catalyst for physical change. Without that work, the inevitable ebbs and flows of being in a body, including hormonal fluctuations, pregnancy, motherhood, living, etc., would become overwhelming and debilitating. I gained and lost about 65 pounds when I had my son, and the work that I’d done and continued to engage in (concepts I can also suggest you look to), enabled me to trust my body throughout it all and use the tools to support the process.

So many people don’t believe they are capable of change—they think they are broken or powerless. That’s not true. Sometimes you just need support seeing who you really are.

What I know I am capable of contributing to this world and what I want to show you, is that you can become the person you always wanted to be.

I got my MS in Nursing at Alverno in Milwaukee and became an NP so I can help people realize their potential every day as I did. Together, we find meaningful and achievable strategies to help you become the best version of yourself. This is a culmination of my personal journey, my education, and the experiences that I have amassed since practicing, and I’m truly honored to be your guide in your unique journey.

My specialty is medical weight loss, but true change comes from within.

Even though my specialty is medical weight loss, my work with patients is not strictly about weight or about sharing any given method or specific diet, or exercise. These things are all helpful, but true change comes from within.

Your changes hinge on your mindset, building self-esteem, building self-trust, and in realizing the source of your unhappiness is likely not actually the weight itself. The weight is the symptom and the root is likely a deeper wound, story, or belief that’s made itself feel like a permanent part of your life.

And that’s why I have built an incredibly successful weight care practice: I get it. I see you. I can help you if you are willing to open your mind to a different kind of weight care and weight change approach—one where what you share and desire blends with the tools I can offer and the information I have to co-create a solution that will shift things for you.

And it goes without saying, or it should, but I realize how hard it is to start, especially if you’ve hit nothing but roadblocks and deadends until this moment. Believe me, I know that devastating feeling. I’ve gone there, too.

But maybe you’ve never met someone who gets it, who understands your struggles, who can see how hard life feels, or who took the time to listen and truly hear and see you.

I’m that person. We are those people, here at VIVA Wellness.

We are a different weight care and wellness practice.

We would LOVE and be HONORED to hear your story and help you. Sincerely, deeply, truly, sincerely.

Jennifer & Team VIVA

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