We know you love colonics with VIVA Wellness—the waitlist speaks for itself. But you’re about to be even more excited because our colon hydrotherapists just took their education to the next level to become I-ACT Certified. Before we dive into what that means, let’s first talk about why this is so incredible: this is to help YOU have a better, safer experience which means more profound healing through easier, more effective releases.
After 265 hours of study, our Colon Hydrotherapists qualified for 24 hours of intensive hands-on training days with an I-ACT instructor who has been a Naturopathic Doctor and Certified Colon Hydrotherapist for 16 years. This meant performing many colonics with live humans, under the supervision and collaboration of the instructor and each other. They’re on deck to complete an exam soon, but the changes being made to the colonic experience are effective immediately—because when you know better, you do better. And one thing that’s so fun to witness internally is the inspired energy around these two: as if they weren’t lit about this service already, but the additional education has empowered them on a whole new level.
What’s changing in Colon Hydrotherapy at VIVA Wellness?
Some of the features you will be experiencing are reflexology, castor oil packs, and new abdominal massage techniques, just to name a few. Even the setup of the Colon Hydrotherapy room is slightly different to accommodate these changes.
The colonic experience is powerful and is what it’s meant to be for you every time, but some of these new changes will also ensure that your system feels more relaxed. Why does this matter? If it’s not in a stress response, it is more conducive to release and healing. The ways that this improves the colonic experience AND other peripherally related results (ex: liver detox) is so massive—more on that to come.
What is I-ACT? 
I-ACT stands for International Association for Colon Hydrotherapy. It is the premier professional organization for colon hydrotherapy worldwide for more than 30 years. I-ACT heightens the awareness of the colon hydrotherapy profession, ensures continuing and progressive education in the field of colon hydrotherapy, and implements standards and ethics for professionalism.
Why is it important to have I-ACT Certified Hydrotherapists?
Standardized education is critical for providers because colonics are otherwise a largely unregulated practice. Professional standards of practice are incredibly imperative for safety, and so I-ACT Certification guarantees a certain level of safety, standards, care, professionalism, ethics, and experience. I-ACT requires members to use FDA-cleared colonic machines and to participate in continued education. This means that your colonics provider is dedicated to their craft and ultimately to your experience.
VIVA Wellness supports I-ACT standardizations which are pushing the industry, as a whole, towards professional regulations. Not only is your experience with VIVA Wellness changing, but we are thinking so much bigger by hoping to eventually have the State of Wisconsin require licenses for colon hydrotherapy. That means no matter where you go for your colonic in WI, you are receiving the highest level of care. You would never go to an unlicensed nurse injector, physician, esthetician, etc., and we want you to understand that necessity with this service, too! It’s your body—this high level of care matters! We want the utmost safety for our clients, and we are going to work on advocating for this type of standardization and licensing.
Just like our naturopathic doctor friends who worked to successfully push for legislation in Wisconsin to require naturopaths to be licensed, we want to do the same with Colon Hydrotherapy. Have we made it clear how we feel? 😉 THIS MATTERS.
Why is our colonic machine safer than other options?
The VIVA Wellness colon hydrotherapy machine, Aquanet APS 100, is FDA cleared and has many safety features, such as temperature and pressure control. Our Aquanet maintains treatment water at a safe, comfortable 36°C (98°F). In addition to increasing patient comfort, this will automatically shut off water flow in the event of cold water supply failure.
The colon hydrotherapy machine also has Applied Pressure Sensing Technology (APST ™). This patented APST™ technology ensures that treatment water pressure is always maintained at a safe level, including a fail-safe mechanism to never exceed 2 psi of water pressure (during a colonoscopy they use about 3 psi of gas). This prevents cramping and means we can offer an experience where there is no way for us to damage or rupture your colon.
In alternative colonic methods, such as the gravity method, many therapists build their own systems. This leaves room for error and compromises safety for the clients—there are no fail-safes, no water standards, etc. If a gravity or other colonic is not set up with proper sanitation or filters to protect the water, there is even greater exposure to chemicals than if you were drinking or washing with it. Fluoride, chlorine, and other chemicals are being absorbed directly into your colon versus the filtration mechanisms of your body, which have taken place before water would be reaching the colon. So, water quality and control through filtration, and the education around this that I-ACT provides, is paramount to your colon hydrotherapy experience! VIVA Wellness was already incredibly on top of water quality due to our own research and other education, so you’ve only ever had safe colonics within our walls.
Over time we will continue to clarify, dispel myths, and provide education (which means we will offer a complete overhaul of the Colonic content and information on this website—stay tuned), so that we can share this beneficial, often profound, therapy that can occur in a professional and safe space.
It is so important to receive service provided by colon hydrotherapists who are I-ACT certified, which we are PROUD to be. Read on to meet your VIVA Wellness I-ACT Certified Colon Hydrotherapists.
If you want to learn more about Colonics and Colon Hydrotherapy at VIVA Wellness, browse our website. You’ve read what our caring Colon Hydrotherapists have to say about the benefits of colonics. But you don’t have to take their word for it, come experience colonics at VIVA Wellness for yourself—book now!