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Travis Barker Enema Kit + Two Favorite Enema Solutions

You know him from Blink 182. You know him from his recent marriage to Kourtney Kardashian—and maybe even watched the two navigate wellness experimentation in the last few seasons of her show, something core to Kourt’s identity as a leader of the POOSH brand. So when he released a semi-spoof and play off the Blink182 1999 album ENEMA OF THE STATE as an enema kit in collaboration with water company Liquid Death, it had us laughing, but also nodding in approval for the way these less discussed, less mainstream approaches to health are gaining celebrity and pop culture attention. The more curiosity is piqued when celebrities do projects like this, the more the general population starts to investigate. And then we are lucky enough to receive your questions and even your bookings. Watch the Travis x Liquid Death collab here if you’re interested. Sidenote: the kit, which includes a signed can of water, sold out in < 24 hours and retailed for $182 (get it? Blink 182 😉


So, let’s talk about enemas. They are one of the greatest ways to finish a colonic session, but mighty powerful even without the colonic. An average enema is 20-32 oz of a liquid solution, which will be unique to your goals—water, organic coffee, or an herbal blend. The goal is to hold the liquid for 15 minutes to allow your body to absorb the blend and retain the maximum benefits.

VIVA Wellness offers two tiers of enemas—Tier 1 enemas are single ingredients and Tier 2 are our targeted blends. More doesn’t always mean better, so based on your wellness concerns and goals, be sure to chat with us if you have any questions about what’s best for your situation.

Tier 1

  • Coffee: Liver Detox & Energy Booster
  • Herbal: Anti-parasitic, reduces candida, hemorrhoids & PMS
  • Chlorophyll:  Balances electrolytes, deodorizes body, rids body of fungus
  • Lavender: Promotes relaxation & sleep, diminishes stress & calms anxiety
  • Bentonite Clay: Pulls toxins out of body, anti-bacterial & anti-inflammatory
  • Diatomaceous Earth: Anti-parasitic, detoxes body, pulls out heavy metals

Tier 2

  • Remove & Replenish: (Chlorophyll & Diatomaceous Earth) – Anti-parasitic & replenishes electrolytes
  • Super Soothe: (Turmeric, Ginger, Chamomile, Lavender) – Anti-inflammation, soothing to intestinal walls
  • Get lucky: (Damiana,  Epimedium, Yellow Maca) – Boosts libido & balances hormones
  • Biome Booster: (Chlorophyll, Probiotic, Bentonite Clay) – Detoxifying, pro-biotic, balances electrolytes

Not sure which one to choose? Our colon hydrotherapist will be able to recommend the perfect blend to help you reach your goals! Cost and details of our Enemas are available here. We also want to discuss two of our favorite enemas, helpful for their anti-inflammatory and detoxification benefits.

Super Soothe

Inflammation is a buzzword in the wellness world lately, but do you really know what it means and why you experience it?  Inflammation is actually our immune system’s defense mechanism and our body’s way of trying to give us a signal that it’s doing its best to fight off something harmful or irritating. There are many reasons why your body could be having an inflammatory response: damaged cells, toxins, infections, injury, dietary irritants, etc.

Scientists now believe that chronic, low-level inflammation plays a major role in nearly every chronic Western disease. This includes heart disease, cancer, metabolic syndrome, Alzheimer’s, and various degenerative conditions. Chronic Inflammation can lead to autoimmune diseases and metabolic syndromes, such as type 1 diabetes, Rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, psoriasis, Multiple Sclerosis, lupus, Graves’ disease, Hashimoto’s, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and obesity.

Finishing your colonic with a Super Soothe enema is a great way to fight inflammation from the inside out. Our anti-inflammatory blend is specifically designed to diminish symptoms of inflammation. After a colonic, when a bulk of the waste in your large intestine has been removed, your body is able to utilize the compound of the herbs in this enema more efficiently.

If any of the issues mentioned sound like you, add a Tier 2 Enema to your next colonic and try the Super Soothe.

Coffee Enemas

Coffee enemas are a fan favorite (including by VIVA Wellness Founder Jennifer) because of their powerful and vast benefits. The colonic + enema combo is Jennifer’s go-to for keeping her gut-brain axis working optimally and her liver supported and clear! Read more about how this combo relieved her crippling anxiety.

Coffee enemas help to:

  • Detox liver & gallbladder
  • Brain fog, mental clarity, focus
  • Support adrenals & promote circulation
  • Increases energy but not in a buzzy way
  • Increases glutathione production—glutathione is known as the Master Antioxidant

Add a coffee enema to the end of your next colonic and let us know how great you feel afterwards as a result!

Looking for other ideas for reducing inflammation or expediting the detox process? Ask during your colonic or consider consulting with one of our Gut Health, Nutrition, or Lymphatic Specialists.

Contact us to book and appointment or consultation in Brookfield, WI.

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