VIVA Wellness Blog

Welcome to the VIVA Wellness Blog where you will find information and articles full of healthy living resources, client success stories, and other interesting topics to help you create the best version of yourself.

VIVA Wellness Blog

Recent News & Articles

Tips to Maintain Health During Smoke Pollution

How To Stay Healthy During & After Hazardous Wildfire Smoke Pollution in Wisconsin

June 28, 2023

Canadian Fire Smoke Pollution in Southeast Wisconsin Air pollution, like that from the Canadian wildfires that are lingering over the Brookfield and Greater Milwaukee Area and reaching “Hazardous” levels at times, can be incredibly tough on the system. Of course, those with sensitivities should do their best to completely avoid the outdoors during high pollution […]

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Tips for Supporting Your Immune Response During the Holidays

Tips for Supporting Your Immune Response During the Holidays

December 15, 2022

Immune health is layered. There are so many different factors that play into your body’s ability to identify and address the threats that prevent themselves on a daily basis. Instead of feeling overwhelmed by the plethora of information that often overwhelms us regarding this topic, one that is especially critical during times of high stress, […]

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Game Changing Supplements at VIVA Wellness

Game Changing Wellness Products Vol I.

October 1, 2022

If you haven’t had the chance to spend time getting to know Team VIVA, you might not know that there are a lot of rabbit-holers, meaning, our team likes to research to find the best products, supplements, protocols, and services to best support yours and our goals! We consider ourselves incredibly important middle-humans between the […]

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