VIVA Wellness Blog

Welcome to the VIVA Wellness Blog where you will find information and articles full of healthy living resources, client success stories, and other interesting topics to help you create the best version of yourself.

VIVA Wellness Blog

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Natural Hormone Replacement Therapy | VIVA Wellness | Milwaukee

Are You A Candidate For Natural Hormone Therapy?

February 9, 2018

Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) Also known as Natural Hormone Therapy, can be a life-changing treatment. Many women who experience hot flashes, night sweats, trouble sleeping, moodiness, forgetfulness, or low libido chalk it up to menopause. They assume that they’ll just have to live with it. Not true! Natural Hormone Therapy can decrease the severity […]

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Invite Wellness into your Life | VIVA Wellness Clinic | Milwaukee, WI

Invite Health & Wellness into Your Life this Year

February 6, 2018

New Year’s Resolutions…Health It’s about this time of year when you realize you haven’t made much progress on your New Year’s resolutions to get or stay healthy. You start to get a little hard on yourself. Well, I’m here to tell you that it’s not too late. Whatever your resolutions, I stand behind you. I […]

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Improve My Health Counseling | VIVA Wellness

Improve My Health! 8 Tips From VIVA Wellness’ Jennifer Hruz

January 30, 2018

I Just Want to Improve My Health. I hear this all the time. And I can’t tell you how many people come through my door feeling sub-par. One of the things I hear most often is, “I just want to improve my health, and I don’t know where to start.” If you’re looking for improved […]

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Customized Weight Loss Plans VIVA Wellness | Milwaukee WI

Welcome to VIVA Wellness Milwaukee!

December 4, 2017

Whether my clients at VIVA Wellness Milwaukee are seeking nutritional counseling, a custom weight loss plan that works, or vitamin injections, I am devoted to guiding all bodies on a personal, transformational wellness journey. It’s no secret that I, too, have undergone an incredible transformation. My own weight loss experience inspired me to become a […]

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